Monday, November 7, 2011

Stop smiling... it leads to trouble.

I smile a lot.

A couple months back I was at the hollywood bowl by myself.  I was smiling, as usual, while walking up to the ticket takers.  Well, this guy sorta stands in front of me and says hi.  Here's how it went from there:

Liz (just being nice): Hi.
Guy:  I'm excited for this.
I'm a little confused why this stranger is telling me he's excited about the Hollywood Bowl show, but sure, why not.
Liz: Me too.
Guy: Have you ever seen them before?
Liz: It's a french night... Is there a way to have seen it before?
Guy: I guess not.
Small pause.
Guy: Should we go in.
Liz: With me?
Guy looks confused.
Guy: I'm Tom.
I'm confused.
Liz:  I'm Liz.
Horribly horrified look crosses his face.
Tom: What?
I just stand there totally lost.
Tom:  I'm looking for Jackie.
Liz:  I'm not Jackie.
Tom:  Why were you smiling at me as you walked up?
He was actually a little angry (probably just embarrassed).
Liz: I was just smiling.

Moral of the story... If you are alone, don't smile because people who are supposed to be meeting their match from will think you are their match... awkward.

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