Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We all have a heart.

I know that you hear a lot of positive things from me, but to be honest, life isn't always perfect.

Probably one of the worst things about me is I have a false confidence.  I don't mean to do it, it just somehow happens.  People think that I'm strong, that my feelings never get hurt, and that I'm never sad.  It's just not true.

This week alone I have had four people cancel on me.

It hurts.

This isn't to make you feel sorry for me.  I'm not writing this to have everyone now turn around and compliment me.  In fact, please don't, instead take a second to remember that every person has a heart.

Whether they are pretty or ugly - confident or insecure - happy or sad - your best friend or a stranger, everyone hurts, everyone has a heart and we need to start caring about each other more.

I challenge you to encourage someone today.  Just go up and tell someone something great about them because you know what?  Every person on the earth has something great inside them and they deserve to hear it.

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