People treat me as a second class citizen or act as though my life is somehow inferior because I'm not married. Well, quite honestly, I think my life is better than most married people's lives.
It was just about a couple months ago that I figured all of this out. I was driving to the Hollywood Bowl to see the Swell Season play. The only problem? I had no ticket. So, I just drove up to Hollywood and Highland just a few blocks away from the bowl, parked my car and started walking.
On the walk, a guy sees me and says "One ticket?" My face lights up. "Yep, I need one ticket. How much?" He says "$25" I look at the ticket and face value is $23. I say "I'll give you $10" He says "$10?! The ticket is worth at least 23" I say "Look, do you think you are going to find anymore single people who want one ticket? $10" He looks defeated, he says "20" I smile and say "15" Sold.
The show starts and I'm in heaven. The music was incredible. The weather was insanely perfect. The four stars that you can see in LA were out. It could not have been a more perfect night.
Then it happened. At the end of the show I just sat there thinking about how great my life is. It is because I'm single that I got this ticket for so cheap. It is because I'm single that I met this comedian and this punk kid. It's because I'm single that I have the freedom to drive up to Hollywood whenever I feel like it. And then a married couple walks by me. The man yelling at the woman, the woman yelling about how they have to get home to their kids... and I'm sad for them. And it hits me, I would much rather live a first rate single life then a second rate married life.
Don't get me wrong, I believe in marriage. I think it can be amazing. I believe marriage is for life (which is why i'm so picky). In fact, I want to be married, but if that isn't what's for me, I refuse to sulk around thinking that just because I'm single my life is any less than some one who is married.
I believe you can stay married to anyone if you are dedicated enough, I believe you can have an average life with a bunch of people, but I believe you will have an extraordinary life and marriage with very few people. I'm holding out for one of those few people. I refuse to trade my extraordinary single life for an average married life.
So, here's my blog. A blog about living a first rate single life. There are highs, there are lows, and everything in between. The adventure continues this week with a trip to Colorado to see a friend and Chicago to see a couple baseball games. Here we go...